
Showing posts from December, 2019

“Beyond the certificates”, This is what life at Rohini College, Kanyakumari made me achieve, says Sumithra

“Develop a passion for learning and you will not cease to grow”, these words quoted by Anthony J D’Angelo, a revolutionary in higher education, have great significance even now. When teaching and learning meet passion, it is where the magic of education happens. Resources and accessibility are a click away for this generation but passion is what they lack. This is where Rohini College has a pivotal role to play, says Sumithra, a Rohini alumnus. Anyone can disseminate education, or provide textbook teaching, but the right way of facilitation is rare. At Rohini, They do not just teach the students but facilitate them to develop a passion for learning. The facilitators believe in mending the environment like it isn’t the flower that needs grooming but the soil in which it grows adds Sumithra. Speaking about Rohini College of Engineering and Technology , from where she made herself a confident professional and a computer science engineering graduate, Sumithra just falls out o...

Women’s Day Celebration at Rohini College in Kanyakumari – Be Bold for Change

Chief Guest :Dr.A.R.Savitha,Motivational Speaker Rohini College of Engineering and Technology has always kept their bars high in all aspects and that applies to celebrating women as well. This International Women’s Day is especially important because #PressforProgress is encouraging women to be brave and act to lead us to a world of gender parity. A world of inclusion where differences are celebrated. Rohini College of Engineering and Technology , Anjugramam has a unique way of celebrating Women’s Day Celebration. They decide to celebrate women through out the year through activities conducted via Women Empowerment Cell. There were two events conducted by Women Empowerment Cell for the Academic Year 2019-2020. International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women On 26th July 2019, Chief guest Dr. A.R. Savitha who is a Motivational Speaker (Assistant Professor, Department of English at Sre...

Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Research – ICAMER RCET 2019

Rohini College of Engineering and Technology  has recently organized an International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Research – ICAMER 2019 on 5th and 06th of April collaborating with University of Bayreuth, Germany. Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Research – ICAMER 2019 The conference was an international forum which aimed to bring together leading academician, students, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and hard-earned technological advancements about all aspects of based on their research and share the valuable experiences with the students, scientist and scholars around the world Respected luminaries on the dais and of the dais, Shri. K Neela Marthandan, Chairman, RCET, Dr. N. Neela Vishnu, MD, RCET, Dr. V.M. Blessy Geo, CFO, RCET, Dr. R. Rajesh, Principal, RCET. Thank you to the crew members in collaborating and organizing this International event. Dr. Andrii Khokhlenko, Professor, De...